Reseller: Getting Started


Reseller accounts allow you to set up a fully functioning whitelabeled Hook Security, Inc environment. You can provision subaccounts with your company's branding that allow your customers to create phishing tests and assign training.

Follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Configure Branding
  2. Create a Library Account
  3. Create Sub-accounts

Configure Branding



After logging in to the Hook Security, Inc portal, navigate to Reseller > Settings & Tools > Branding Settings. Here you can add phishing and training portal logos, generate a custom subdomain, and add customer support contact information. Sub-accounts will use the custom URLs you generate to log in.


Support contact and company information fields can be used in system emails. Fields saved here will replace their respective tags. To preview and (optionally) edit system emails, navigate to Administration > Manage System Emails in the portal menu. Any changes made will propagate to sub-accounts, but they will still have the ability to customize the emails.

If no branding is configured in sub-accounts, they will inherit the branding settings from the reseller account.

See also

Create a Library Account

You can optionally create a custom library by linking a library account. To do so, create a new account by navigating to Reseller > Create Account in the portal menu. Give the account a descriptive name to ensure any colleagues recognize that the account is your library account.

After creating the account, assign it by navigating to Reseller > Settings & Tools > Branding Settings, then click the 'Library' tab. From here you can choose default templates that will be added to new accounts upon creation, set the library account, and specify whether you would like Hook Security, Inc default content to appear in subaccount libraries.

Any templates and courses that are owned by the library account will appear in subaccount libraries. Subaccounts will be able to subscribe to courses and copy templates that are owned by your library account. Log in to the account (instructions in the Create Subaccounts section) and create templates and courses to which you would like your customers to have access.

To set a course's subscription settings, click the 'Library' tab when editing a course.

See also

Create Subaccounts

To create a sub-account, navigate to Reseller > Create Account. Specify the account type and populate the form with the account information. Optionally, you can send a welcome email to the account owner that they can use log in.

After creating accounts view and interact with them by navigating to Reseller > Manage Accounts. From the Manage Accounts page you can "jump into" the account by clicking the Hook Security, Inc icon (below) in the respective account's row. You can also edit account information, pre-authorize target domains, edit course subscriptions, and delete accounts.


See also