Why 'safelist'? What should I 'safelist'?

Why you need to whitelist (safelist), including a list of IP Addresses

Why Whitelist?

Whitelisting allows our simulated phishing emails to bypass your mail filter. In order for simulations to function properly, our IPs must be whitelisted in your spam filter. Some systems may require whitelisting by headers to ensure our test emails are received by your users.

IP Addresses

Hook Security's primary IP address is

Before running any tests, you need to whitelist the following IP addresses on your servers to ensure delivery:


Email Header

If your security configuration does not allow whitelisting by IP, you also have the option of using our custom email header, which will be inserted into every email your organization receives from us. The header has the name 'X-PHISHTEST' and the value 'HookMail'.

Whitelisting Domains

In some scenarios, depending on email client/firewall configuration, you may have to whitelist phishing and landing domains. The domains that need to be whitelisted are specified by the templates that you are using. 

Whitelisting Best Practices

Make sure the simulated phishing emails are not being sent to the spam folder or being filtered automatically by some external spam filtering system. If it is, and whitelisting doesn't work, the content of the email might have to change to lower the spam rating.

A service we recommend for testing is mail-tester.com/