Top 3 Brand Knockoff Templates

Learn what a brand knockoff phishing attempt is and how you can test and train your end users to spot the spoof!

The most common type of phishing email is what we call a “brand knockoff” email. This is when a cybercriminal will pretend to be a well-known brand in order to gain your trust and have you click a link or divulge information. So let's take a look at some of our top picks when it comes to sending brand knockoff phishing tests to your employees.

In these types of phishing emails, hackers typically use big brands like Apple, Google, and Amazon. A phishing attempt known as a brand knock-off is a very common strategy that results in high click-rates. By using a branded email appearing to be sent from a familiar company, hackers manipulate user curiosity enough for them to act on something within the email. These phishing attempts are relying on targets to click a link that sends them to a malicious website intended to steal login credentials, financial information, or personal data. Brand knock-offs can look very realistic, oftentimes copied from legitimate communications sent by the company. Although more challenging to spot the spoof, users can still apply the basic best practices to outsmart this phishing method.


1. The Apple email template is designed to look like a legitimate email from the Apple team. It includes the logo, branding, end-user's name, and a message urging the recipient to click a link.

2. The Dropbox phishing email template is a great phishing test to send to employees. The email looks as though it is coming from the popular file storage website. It includes the company's logo, branding, as well as the end-user's name. Users will be prompted to click a link to complete their organizations Dropbox setup.

3. The FedEx phishing email template is another great phishing email template to send to employees. This template showcases urgency, a popular tactic used by hackers, and warns users about a package not being delivered. Additionally, it includes the company's logo and branding, and users are urged to manage their delivery or click on a tracking number.

These are just a few of the most popular brand knockoff phishing email templates. Be on the lookout for these and other scams to protect yours and your businesses information.