Setting up Automated Reports

Use automated reporting to set it and forget it!

When it comes to our robust reporting features, set it and forget it is one of them! Customers can take advantage of automated reports in their account settings where detailed reports can be sent to administrators after each campaign ends. Our user-friendly platform not only makes campaign setups easy, it also provides time-saving tools for your team! This automated feature helps check one more thing off your to-do list while keeping you informed of your team’s security awareness behaviors. We recommend automated reporting for portal users who want to track test results by campaign, and for teams wanting consistent data that keeps everyone on the same (report) page! So you can leave the manual report pulling behind and get some time back in your day to tackle the essential stuff, like ordering that adorable coffee mug you’ve had your eye on that past month 😉

Watch the quick video below to see how simple it is to set it and forget it for your automated reports!