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  3. Firewall/Spam Filter Safelisting

How do I whitelist in AppRiver?

How to safelist (whitelist) in AppRiver

If you're utilizing AppRiver's SpamLab spam filtering, you can whitelist our IP addresses to ensure deliverability of our phishing tests to your end users' mailboxes. 

The instructions below are for a third-party software. If you run into issues whitelisting our IP addresses in AppRiver, we recommend reaching out to AppRiver for specific instructions. You can also contact support@hooksecurity.co whenever you need assistance.

Below are steps you should follow:

1. First, log onto the AppRiver Admin Center.


2. Select Filters --> IP Addresses


3. Under Allowed IP Addresses, add our IP addresses. For the most up-to-date list of our IP addresses, please see this article. 

Note: Allowing an IP address will make each message originating from it to bypass all filtering checks except for virus filtering.

4. Click Save.