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  3. Firewall/Spam Filter Safelisting

How do I safelist in Mimecast?

If you’re using Mimecast security software, you can safelist (whitelist) the Portal to allow your users to receive our simulated phishing emails and system emails.

The areas adjusted are as follows: 

  • Creating a Permitted Senders Policy
  • Greylisting in Mimecast
  • Creating an Anti-Spoofing Policy
  • Creating an Impersonation Protection Bypass Policy

The below section is necessary only if the associated package is activated:

  • URL Protection Bypass Policy

If you run into problems while safelisting in Mimecast, we suggest you first reach out directly to Mimecast for assistance.

Creating a Permitted Senders Policy

We advise creating a new Permitted Sender Policy within your Mimecast console in order to safelist the Portal.

NOTE: Do not edit your default Permitted Sender Policy. Instead, create a new one.

  1. From the Mimecast Administration console, open the Administration Toolbar.
  2. Select Gateway | Policies.
  3. Select Permitted Senders.
  4. Select New Policy.
  5. Select the below settings under the Options, Emails From, Emails To, and Validity sections. For more information, see Mimecast's Configuring a Permitted Senders Policy.
  6. Enter Portal's IP Address in the Source IP Ranges Field. (Please use the Hook IP addresses which you can download here.)
Option Setting

Policy Narrative

Phishing Tackle Permitted Senders
Select Option Permit Sender
Emails From  
Applies To Internal Addresses
Specifically Applies to all Internal Recipients
Enable/Disable Enable
Set policy as perpetual Always On
Date Range All Time
Policy Override Checked
Bi-directional Unchecked
Source IP Ranges (n.n.n.n/x) Portal IP addresses (found here)


Greylisting in Mimecast

Adding the Portal to the permitted senders list (see above) should bypass Greylisting. However, we recommend following the below Greylisting steps to improve email deliverability.

  1. From the Mimecast Administration console, open the Administration Toolbar.
  2. Select Gateway | Policies.
  3. Select Greylisting.
  4. Select New Policy.
  5. Select the below settings under the Options, Emails From, Emails To, and Validity sections.
  6. Enter Portal's IP Address in the Source IP Ranges box. (You can find a list of Portal IP addresses in this article.)
Option Setting
Policy Narrative Portal Greylist
Select Option Take No Action
Emails From  
Addresses Based On The Return Address
Applies From Email Addresses
Specifically Applies to all External Senders
Emails To  
Applies To Internal Addresses
Specifically Applies to all Internal Recipients
Enable/Disable Enable
Set policy as perpetual Always On
Date Range All Time
Policy Override Checked
Bi Directional Unchecked
Source IP Ranges (n.n.n.n/x) Portal IP addresses (found here)


Creating an Anti-Spoofing Policy

If you're spoofing the From or Reply-to domain on your template, then follow the below steps in Mimecast to allow simulated phishing emails to be sent from your domain.

  1. From the Mimecast Administration console, open the Administration Toolbar.
  2. Select Gateway | Policies.
  3. Select Anti-Spoofing from the policies list.
  4. Select New Policy.
  5. Use the below settings under the Options, Emails From, Emails To, and Validity sections. For more information, read this article from Mimecast: Configuring an Anti-Spoofing Policy.
  6. Enter Portal's IP Address in the Source IP Ranges Field. (You can find a list of Portal IP addresses in this document.)
Option Setting
Policy Narrative Phishing Tackle Anti-Spoof Allow Policy
Select Option Take no action
Emails From  
Addresses Based On Both
Applies From Everyone
Specifically Applies to all Senders
Emails To  
Applies To Everyone
Specifically Applies to all Internal Recipients
Enable/Disable Enable
Set policy as perpetual Always On
Date Range All Time
Policy Override Checked
Bi Directional Unchecked
Source IP Ranges (n.n.n.n/x) Portal IP addresses (found in this document)
Hostname(s) Leave blank


Creating an Impersonation Protection Bypass Policy

To allow Portal simulated phishing emails that are from spoofed domains to reach your targets, you will want to create an Impersonation Protection Policy as well as an Anti-Spoofing Policy in the Mimecast Console. 

To begin, you’ll need to make an impersonation protection definition (if not already done).

How to Create an impersonation protection definition

  1. From the Mimecast Administration console, open the Administration Toolbar.
  2. Choose Gateway | Policies.
  3. Hover over Impersonation Protection and click on Definitions.impersonation_protection.PNG
  4. Click New Definition.
  5. Name the definition something unique, like "Portal Impersonation Protection Bypass Def."
  6. Choose the relevant settings (shown below). For more information, see Mimecast's documentation in this article: https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-1908#jive_content_id_Configuring_an_Impersonation_Protection_Definition.
Option Corresponding Setting
Identifier settings  
Description Portal Impersonation Protection Bypass Def.
Similar Internal Domain Checked
Similar Monitored External Unchecked
Similarity Distance 1
Newly Observed Domain Unchecked
Internal User Name Checked
Reply-to Address Mismatch Checked
Targeted Threat Dictionary Checked
Mimecast Threat Directory Checked
Custom Threat Directory [Leave as default]
Number of Hits 2
Identifier Actions  
Action None
Tag Message Body Unchecked
Tag Subject Unchecked
Tag Header Unchecked
General Actions  
Mark All Inbound Items as 'External' Unchecked
Notify Group [Leave as default]
Notify (Internal) Recipient Unchecked
Notify Overseers Unchecked


How to Create an Impersonation Bypass Policy

  1. First, log into your Mimecast Administration Console.
  2. Click on Administration toolbar.
  3. Go to Gateway | Policies.
  4. Choose Impersonation Protection Bypass from the policies list.
  5. Click on the New Policy button.
  6. Select the appropriate policy settings under the OptionsEmails FromEmails To, and Validity sections. For more information on these settings, see Mimecast's Configuring an Impersonation Protection Bypass Policy article.
    NOTE: In the Select Option field under Options, select the impersonation protection definition you want to be bypassed. If you have multiple definitions you would like to bypass, you will need to create a separate Impersonation Protection Bypass Policy for each one.
  7. In the Source IP Ranges field, enter Portal IPs, found in this document.
Policy Narrative Portal Impersonation Test
Select Option Impersonation Protection Definition
Emails From  
Addresses Based On Both
Applies From External Addresses
Specifically Applies to All External Senders
Emails To  
Applies To Internal Addresses
Specifically Applies to all Internal Recipients
Enable/Disable Enable
Set Policy as Perpetual Always On
Date Range All Time
Policy Override Unchecked
Bi Directional Unchecked
Source IP Ranges Portal IP addresses (found in this document)


URL Protection Bypass Policy

Mimecast's URL Protection service scans links sent within emails as they are delivered. Occasionally, this causes simulated phishing emails to trigger this service. Follow the below steps to create a URL Protection Bypass policy.

NOTE: Configuring this policy is only necessary if Mimecast URL Protection has been enabled.

  1. From the Mimecast Administration console, open the Administration Toolbar.
  2. Select Gateway | Policies.
  3. Select URL Protection Bypass.
  4. Select New Policy.
  5. Select the appropriate settings (below) under the Options, Emails From, Emails To, and Validity sections. For more information, see Mimecast's article on Configuring a URL Protection Bypass Policy.
  6. Enter Portal's IP Address in the Source IP Ranges Field. (You can find a list of Portal IP addresses in this document.)
Option Setting
Policy Narrative Phishing Tackle URL Protection Bypass
Select Option Disable URL Protection
Emails From  
Addresses Based On Both
Applies From Everyone
Specifically Applies to all Senders
Emails To  
Applies To Internal Addresses
Profile Group Applies to all Internal Recipients
Enable/Disable Enable
Set policy as perpetual Always On
Date Range All Time
Policy Override Checked
Bi Directional Unchecked
Source IP Ranges (n.n.n.n/x) Portal IP addresses (found in this document)