How do I generate a CSV file?

This article details how you generate a .csv of your report.

The CSV Generator 2.0 (Beta) is a more customizable way to generate reports. Resource groups are given and default data fields are pre-selected based on the selected report. You can then select which fields to add or remove. After they are added you can filter on any of the given fields. After previewing the results you can export to a CSV file or email the CSV file. To generate these reports go to Reports > CSV Generator 2.0.

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Select Report Type

Here you can select the resource group to generate the report on. 

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Campaign - Field data related to specific campaigns. Multiple campaigns can be selected.

  • Actions - Export actions taken on emails sent by the selected campaign.
  • Emails - Export emails sent by a campaign, along with email addresses sent to and associated metrics.
  • Targets - Export all targets that participated in a campaign along with associated metrics.
  • Tests - Export the selected campaign's tests and associated metrics.

Group - Field data related to specific groups. Multiple groups can be selected.

  • Enrollments - Export enrollment data. 
    • Course - Select course data for export. Multiple courses can be selected. The report will pre-select fields for the course names along with enrollees and progress for each course selected.
  • Phishing/Training - Export phishing or training data for groups. 
    • Actions - Export all actions taken on phishing/training emails sent to the group.
    • Campaigns - Export phishing/training campaigns that have tested the group and associated data.
    • Emails - Export all phishing/training emails sent to the group's targets, along with related metrics.
    • Targets - Export the group's targets and associated metrics.
    • Tests Export - Export all phishing/training tests on the group and related data.

School - Field data related to specific course and program enrollments or reporting on a students account and enrollment history.  

  • Course Enrollments - Export enrollment, student and target field data for the selected course(s)
  • Program Enrollments - Export enrollment, student and target field data for the selected program(s)
  • Students Overview - Export enrollment metrics and target fields for the selected student(s)

Target - Export field data on a per-target basis. Multiple targets can be selected from a group.

  • Courses Enrollment - Export target(s) courses and course progress.
  • Phishing/Training - Field data related to phishing or training test metrics
    • Actions  - Export target(s) actions for phishing/training tests.
    • Emails  - Export emails sent to the selected target(s) and related data in phishing/training tests.
    • Tests - Export phishing/training tests on the target and target test metrics.

Test - Field data on a per-test basis for either phishing or training tests. Multiple tests can be selected.

  • Actions - Export all actions taken on phishing/training emails sent by a test.
  • Emails - Export all emails sent by a test and associated metrics.
  • Targets - Export all targets tested and related data for selected tests.

Custom - Saved reports will be available for selection here. 


Select Fields

After selecting the Report Type, you will be presented with the Fields tab. Here you can select or remove the fields you want to become columns in the CSV report. The fields that are loaded and available are based on the selected Report Type. 


Apply Filters 

Filters allow you to include or exclude data based on conditions that are applied to the selected fields. The results can be filtered based on matching any or all of the filtering conditions. The available Operators are:

!= Does not equal
contains contains (string/character matching)
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
<= Less Than or Equal To


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In this example a group course enrollment report type was selected. Enrollments will be filtered to only include students who are not inactive, were enrolled after 10/04/2023 02:38 PM, and belong to the group 'Testing'.


Preview and Finalize

After setting filters, you will be able to preview the first 10 rows of the CSV to be generated. If the preview is displaying the field data you need, then move to the Finalize step.

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On the final step, you can name your report to be saved as a custom report. There are two ways to generate, the first will download the CSV through your browser and the second will generate a email containing the CSV as an attachment.