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How do I export a .csv from Microsoft Active Directory (Azure AD)?

Exporting a CSV file from Microsoft Active Directory

For Microsoft's knowledgebase article, click here


Required permissions

To download the list of users from the Azure AD admin center, you must be signed in with a user assigned to one or more organization-level administrator roles in Azure AD (User Administrator is the minimum role required).

Guest inviter and application developers are not considered administrator roles.

To download a list of users

  1. Sign in to your Azure AD organization with a User administrator account in the organization. (External link here.) 

  2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Users. Then select the users you wish to include in the download by ticking the box in the left column next to each user. Note: At this time, there is no way to select all users for export. Each one must be individually selected.

  3. In Azure AD, select Users > Download users.

  4. On the Download users page, select Start to receive a CSV file listing user profile properties. If there are errors, you can download and view the results file on the Bulk operation results page. The file contains the reason for each error.

    Select where you want the list the users you want to download

    The download file will contain a filtered list of users. In order to setup your testing, Hook Security only requires First Name (givenName), Last Name (surname), and email address (mail). 


    The following user attributes are included:

    • userPrincipalName
    • displayName
    • surname
    • mail
    • givenName
    • objectId
    • userType
    • jobTitle
    • department
    • accountEnabled
    • usageLocation
    • streetAddress
    • state
    • country
    • physicalDeliveryOfficeName
    • city
    • postalCode
    • telephoneNumber
    • mobile
    • authenticationPhoneNumber
    • authenticationAlternativePhoneNumber
    • authenticationEmail
    • alternateEmailAddress
    • ageGroup
    • consentProvidedForMinor
    • legalAgeGroupClassification

Check status

You can see the status of your pending bulk requests in the Bulk operation results page.

Bulk download service limits

Each bulk activity to create a list of users can run for up to one hour. This enables creation and download of a list of at least 500,000 users.