This features is not yet available for any accounts! When Campaign Blueprints is fully deployed, it will only impact Reseller Accounts to deploy to their children accounts.
As a Reseller, its possible to create custom Campaign Blueprints for Quick Campaigns. The Campaign Blueprint Wizard allows you to choose the email pattern, schedule, and templates for a Quick Campaign. This article details the process of creating a new blueprint.
To get started, navigate to Reseller > Settings & Tools > Create Campaign Blueprint.
Use the links below to jump to a section:
Campaign Type
The first tab of the wizard is Campaign Type. Here, you will configure the following fields:
- Name - this will be the unique identifier for the blueprint.
- Email Pattern - below are the pattern options:
- Test - only a phishing campaign.
- Test and then Train - a phishing campaign and a training campaign. The phishing campaign will be used used as reference to offset the training campaign.
- Test, Train, and then Retest - a phishing campaign, a training campaign, and another phishing campaign to retest targets.
- Test and the Retest - a phishing campaign, then another phishing campaign to retest targets.
- Train - only a training campaign.
- Train and then Test - a training campaign and a phishing campaign. The training campaign will be used used as reference to offset the phishing campaign.
- Description - (optional) you can input a summary of the blueprint you're creating.
The Schedule tab is used to configure sending, sending pattern, frequency and tracking options:
- Sending - this section contains options related to how you would like the simulated phishing/training emails to be sent.
NOTE: Please review our Campaign Send Types article to get an overview on how each send type works.
- Send all emails when the test campaign starts at 'x' per hour: emails will be scheduled to send at the rate specified in the "per hour" field. The emails will be scheduled to send evenly distributed over the hour, per hour, until all the emails in the test have been sent. The default is for 1000 emails to be sent per hour, and the minimum is 10 emails per hour.
If you create a campaign with multiple groups, a test will be created for each group. The email rate limit is set on a per-test basis. For example, if a campaign is testing 10 groups with 100 targets, 1000 emails will be scheduled. If the email rate limit is set to 100, all of the campaign's emails will be sent in the first hour (100/hour for each of the 10 tests containing 100 emails). If the email rate limit is set to 10, all of the campaign's emails will be sent over ten hours (10/hour for each of the 10 tests containing 100 emails). - Send 'x' emails per target over 'y' Business days/weeks/months: emails will be scheduled to send randomly on the days and hours that you specify. Click the clock icons to view an interactive time picker widget and set the business hours, and check or uncheck the boxes associated with the days of the week that you would like emails to send. The "'x' emails per target" number represents the number of templates you want to send to a target per test; you will need to select the same amount of email templates that you specify in this field for each repeated test.
NOTE: If the test is scheduled to begin on a day of the week that you do not wish to send emails, emails will not start sending until a day that you have specified for sending. This is also true for repeated tests. If a start date occurs on an off day, the emails will not send until a selected day of the week has been reached.
- Send emails at the test start time based on the targets' timezone setting: emails will begin sending according to the timezone of each target. If no timezone is set for a target, then the emails will go out according to the timezone of the group.
- Semiannually Cadence (max of 2 emails): Sends emails every 6 months from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Quarterly Cadence (max of 4 emails): Sends emails each quarter from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Bi-Monthly Cadence (max of 6 emails): Sends emails every other month from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Monthly Cadence (max of 12 emails): Sends emails every month from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Bi-Weekly Cadence (max of 26 emails): Sends emails every other week from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Weekly Cadence (max of 52 emails): Sends emails every week from the template cadence you choose and start date (e.g., second Tuesday) for up to a year.
- Send all emails when the test campaign starts at 'x' per hour: emails will be scheduled to send at the rate specified in the "per hour" field. The emails will be scheduled to send evenly distributed over the hour, per hour, until all the emails in the test have been sent. The default is for 1000 emails to be sent per hour, and the minimum is 10 emails per hour.
- Sending Pattern - Allows the user to select the start day of the month to begin the email cadence pattern. It includes a select box of the days of the week and the ordinal values first - fourth.
- If doing a multi-campaign email pattern (e.g., "Train then Test", "Test, Train, then Retest", etc.), this will also contain options to offset the second (and maybe third) campaign from the start day. It includes a select box to chose 0-4 and either "days," "weeks," or "months." Each additional campaign can be offset independent of the other (e.g., the training campaign can be offset by 3 days, and the retest campaign can be offset by 2 weeks).
- Frequency - if the "Email Pattern" and "Send Type" allow for a recurring campaign, the "Frequency" options will appear. These work the same as they do in the Campaign Wizard.
- Track Activity - how long you would like to track activity after all of the emails have been sent. The default, and recommended minimum, is one week. After the period specified here ends, the test will no longer track actions on phishing/training emails.
- Schedule Calendar Preview - a 6-month calendar is displayed to allow the user to see how their options affect the sending pattern. In the screenshot at the top of the section, you can see that the yellow mail icon
represents the phishing campaign (first Monday of the month), the green icon
represents the training campaign (configured to be offset by one week from the first Monday), and the red icon
represents the retest phishing campaign (configured to be offset by two weeks from the first Monday).
In the Templates tab, you will select which phishing/training templates to include in your test(s), training(s), and retest(s).
- Template tabs - you will need to select templates to include for each campaign (Phishing Campaign, Training Campaign, Retest Phishing Campaign). Depending on which email pattern you select will determine which tabs you'll get. In the example above, the "Test, Train, and then Retest" pattern was selected so you get 3 tabs -- one for each campaign. If the "Test" email pattern was selected, you will only be presented with the "Phishing Templates" tab.
- Templates list - displays all the templates available in your account.
- Templates Selected for blueprint - this section lists all of the templates you have added to the blueprint. Depending on the settings you configured in the schedule tab, you may have to select multiple templates for each campaign. This is indicated by the ratio displayed in the header text. You cannot complete the blueprint wizard until you have added the correct number of templates.
This is the last section of the blueprint wizard. This tab will give you chance to review the configuration of the blueprint.
- General - displays the name, email pattern, recur count, and description of the campaign.
- Templates - displays all the templates included in the campaign.
- Calendar Preview - a 12-month calendar is displayed to allow the user to see how their options affect the sending pattern.